Virtual Keyboard

public partial class Keyboardcontrol : UserControl
        public Keyboardcontrol()
        private Boolean shiftindicator = false;
        private Boolean capslockindicator = false;
        private string pvtKeyboardKeyPressed = "";

        private BoW pvtKeyboardType = BoW.Standard;
        public BoW KeyboardType
                return pvtKeyboardType;
                pvtKeyboardType = value;
                if (shiftindicator) HandleShiftClick();
                if (capslockindicator) HandleCapsLock();
                if (pvtKeyboardType == BoW.Standard)
                    pictureBoxKeyboard.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.keyboard_white;
                    pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.caps_down_white;
                    pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.shift_down_white;
                    pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.shift_down_white;
                else if (pvtKeyboardType==BoW.Alphabetical)
                    pictureBoxKeyboard.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.keyboard_alphabetical;
                    pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.caps_down_white;
                    pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.shift_down_white;
                    pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.shift_down_white;
                else   //   kids keyboard
                    pictureBoxKeyboard.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.keyboard_kids_lower;

        [Category("Mouse"), Description("Return value of mouseclicked key")]
        public event KeyboardDelegate UserKeyPressed;
        protected virtual void OnUserKeyPressed(KeyboardEventArgs e)
            if (UserKeyPressed != null)
                UserKeyPressed(this, e);
        private void pictureBoxKeyboard_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Single xpos = e.X;
            Single ypos = e.Y;
            xpos = 993 * (xpos / pictureBoxKeyboard.Width);
            ypos = 282 * (ypos / pictureBoxKeyboard.Height);
            if (pvtKeyboardType == BoW.Kids) pvtKeyboardKeyPressed = HandleKidsMouseClick(xpos, ypos);
            else pvtKeyboardKeyPressed = HandleTheMouseClick(xpos, ypos);
            KeyboardEventArgs dea = new KeyboardEventArgs(pvtKeyboardKeyPressed);
        private void pictureBoxLeftShiftState_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        private void pictureBoxRightShiftState_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        private void pictureBoxCapsLockState_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

        private string HandleKidsMouseClick(Single x, Single y)
            string Keypressed = null;
            if (y < 73)
                if (x < 79) Keypressed = "a";
                else if (x >= 79 && x < 147) Keypressed = "b";
                else if (x >= 147 && x < 214) Keypressed = "c";
                else if (x >= 214 && x < 281) Keypressed = "d";
                else if (x >= 281 && x < 348) Keypressed = "e";
                else if (x >= 348 && x < 416) Keypressed = "f";
                else if (x >= 416 && x < 491) Keypressed = "g";
                else if (x >= 491 && x < 672) Keypressed = "{BACKSPACE}";
                else if (x >= 672 && x < 764) Keypressed = ".";
                else if (x >= 764 && x < 845) Keypressed = "1";
                else if (x >= 845 && x < 912) Keypressed = "2";
                else if (x >= 912 && x < 989) Keypressed = "3";
            else if (y >= 73 && y < 141)
                if (x < 79) Keypressed = "h";
                else if (x >= 79 && x < 147) Keypressed = "i";
                else if (x >= 147 && x < 214) Keypressed = "j";
                else if (x >= 214 && x < 281) Keypressed = "k";
                else if (x >= 281 && x < 348) Keypressed = "l";
                else if (x >= 348 && x < 416) Keypressed = "m";
                else if (x >= 416 && x < 491) Keypressed = "n";
                else if (x >= 491 && x < 672) HandleCapsLock();
                else if (x >= 672 && x < 764) Keypressed = ",";
                else if (x >= 764 && x < 845) Keypressed = "4";
                else if (x >= 845 && x < 912) Keypressed = "5";
                else if (x >= 912 && x < 989) Keypressed = "6";
            else if (y >= 141 && y < 209)
                if (x < 79) Keypressed = "o";
                else if (x >= 79 && x < 147) Keypressed = "p";
                else if (x >= 147 && x < 214) Keypressed = "q";
                else if (x >= 214 && x < 281) Keypressed = "r";
                else if (x >= 281 && x < 348) Keypressed = "s";
                else if (x >= 348 && x < 416) Keypressed = "t";
                else if (x >= 416 && x < 491) Keypressed = "u";
                else if (x >= 491 && x < 672) Keypressed = "{ENTER}";
                else if (x >= 672 && x < 764) Keypressed = "?";
                else if (x >= 764 && x < 845) Keypressed = "7";
                else if (x >= 845 && x < 912) Keypressed = "8";
                else if (x >= 912 && x < 989) Keypressed = "9";
            else if (y >= 209 && y < 277)
                if (x >= 79 && x < 147) Keypressed = "v";
                else if (x >= 147 && x < 214) Keypressed = "w";
                else if (x >= 214 && x < 281) Keypressed = "x";
                else if (x >= 281 && x < 348) Keypressed = "y";
                else if (x >= 348 && x < 416) Keypressed = "z";
                else if (x >= 491 && x < 672) Keypressed = " ";
                else if (x >= 672 && x < 764) Keypressed = "!";
                else if (x >= 764 && x < 845) Keypressed = "{+}";
                else if (x >= 845 && x < 912) Keypressed = "0";
                else if (x >= 912 && x < 989) Keypressed = "-";
            if (capslockindicator && x < 491) return "+" + Keypressed;
            else return Keypressed;
        private string HandleTheMouseClick(Single x, Single y)
            string Keypressed = null;
            if (x >= 4 && x < 815 && y >= 3 && y < 277)         //  keyboard section
                if (y < 58)
                    if (x >= 4 && x < 59) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("`");
                    else if (x >= 67 && x < 112) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("1");
                    else if (x >= 112 && x < 165) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("2");
                    else if (x >= 165 && x < 220) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("3");
                    else if (x >= 220 && x < 275) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("4");
                    else if (x >= 275 && x < 328) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("5");
                    else if (x >= 328 && x < 380) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("6");
                    else if (x >= 380 && x < 435) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("7");
                    else if (x >= 435 && x < 490) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("8");
                    else if (x >= 490 && x < 545) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("9");
                    else if (x >= 545 && x < 600) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("0");
                    else if (x >= 600 && x < 655) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("-");
                    else if (x >= 655 && x < 705) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("=");
                    else if (x >= 705 && x < 815) Keypressed = "{BACKSPACE}";
                    else Keypressed = null;
                else if (y >= 58 && y < 114)
                    if (x >= 85 && x < 140) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("q");
                    else if (x >= 140 && x < 193) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("w");
                    else if (x >= 193 && x < 247) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("e");
                    else if (x >= 247 && x < 300) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("r");
                    else if (x >= 300 && x < 355) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("t");
                    else if (x >= 355 && x < 409) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("y");
                    else if (x >= 409 && x < 463) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("u");
                    else if (x >= 463 && x < 517) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("i");
                    else if (x >= 517 && x < 571) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("o");
                    else if (x >= 571 && x < 625) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("p");
                    else if (x >= 625 && x < 680) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("{[}");
                    else if (x >= 680 && x < 733) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("{]}");
                    else Keypressed = null;
                else if (y >= 114 && y < 168)
                    if (x >= 4 && x < 113) HandleCapsLock();
                    else if (x >= 113 && x < 167) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("a");
                    else if (x >= 167 && x < 221) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("s");
                    else if (x >= 221 && x < 275) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("d");
                    else if (x >= 275 && x < 330) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("f");
                    else if (x >= 330 && x < 383) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("g");
                    else if (x >= 383 && x < 437) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("h");
                    else if (x >= 437 && x < 491) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("j");
                    else if (x >= 491 && x < 545) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("k");
                    else if (x >= 545 && x < 599) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("l");
                    else if (x >= 599 && x < 653) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey(";");
                    else if (x >= 653 && x < 706) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("'");
                    else if (x >= 706 && x < 815) Keypressed = "{ENTER}";
                    else Keypressed = null;
                else if (y >= 168 && y < 221)
                    if (x >= 4 && x < 140) HandleShiftClick();
                    else if (x >= 140 && x < 194) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("z");
                    else if (x >= 194 && x < 248) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("x");
                    else if (x >= 248 && x < 302) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("c");
                    else if (x >= 302 && x < 356) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("v");
                    else if (x >= 356 && x < 410) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("b");
                    else if (x >= 410 && x < 464) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("n");
                    else if (x >= 464 && x < 518) Keypressed = HandleShiftableCaplockableKey("m");
                    else if (x >= 518 && x < 572) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey(",");
                    else if (x >= 572 && x < 626) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey(".");
                    else if (x >= 626 && x < 680) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("/");
                    else if (x >= 680 && x < 815) HandleShiftClick();
                    else Keypressed = null;
                else if (y >= 221 && y < 277)
                    if (x >= 218 && x < 597) Keypressed = " ";
                    else Keypressed = null;
            else if (x >= 827 && x < 989 && y >= 27 && y < 193)   //  cursor keys
                if (y < 83)
                    if (x < 880) Keypressed = "{INSERT}";
                    else if (x >= 880 && x < 934) Keypressed = "{UP}";
                    else if (x >= 934) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("{HOME}");
                    else Keypressed = null;
                else if (y >= 83 && y < 137)
                    if (x < 880) Keypressed = "{LEFT}";
                    else if (x >= 934) Keypressed = "{RIGHT}";
                    else Keypressed = null;
                else if (y >= 137)
                    if (x < 880) Keypressed = "{DELETE}";
                    else if (x >= 880 && x < 934) Keypressed = "{DOWN}";
                    else if (x >= 934) Keypressed = HandleShiftableKey("{END}");
                    else Keypressed = null;
                else Keypressed = null;
            if (Keypressed != null)
                if (shiftindicator) HandleShiftClick();
                return Keypressed;
                return null;
        private string HandleShiftableKey(string theKey)
            if (shiftindicator)
                return "+" + theKey;
                return theKey;
        private string HandleShiftableCaplockableKey(string theKey)
            if (pvtKeyboardType != BoW.Standard)
                switch (theKey)
                    case ("q"):
                        theKey = "a";
                    case ("w"):
                        theKey = "b";
                    case ("e"):
                        theKey = "c";
                    case ("r"):
                        theKey = "d";
                    case ("t"):
                        theKey = "e";
                    case ("y"):
                        theKey = "f";
                    case ("u"):
                        theKey = "g";
                    case ("i"):
                        theKey = "h";
                    case ("o"):
                        theKey = "i";
                    case ("p"):
                        theKey = "j";
                    case ("a"):
                        theKey = "k";
                    case ("s"):
                        theKey = "l";
                    case ("d"):
                        theKey = "m";
                    case ("f"):
                        theKey = "n";
                    case ("g"):
                        theKey = "o";
                    case ("h"):
                        theKey = "p";
                    case ("j"):
                        theKey = "q";
                    case ("k"):
                        theKey = "r";
                    case ("l"):
                        theKey = "s";
                    case ("z"):
                        theKey = "t";
                    case ("x"):
                        theKey = "u";
                    case ("c"):
                        theKey = "v";
                    case ("v"):
                        theKey = "w";
                    case ("b"):
                        theKey = "x";
                    case ("n"):
                        theKey = "y";
                    case ("m"):
                        theKey = "z";
            if (capslockindicator)
                return "+" + theKey;
            else if (shiftindicator)
                return "+" + theKey;
                return theKey;
        private void HandleShiftClick()
            if (shiftindicator)
                shiftindicator = false;
                pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Visible = false;
                pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Visible = false;
                shiftindicator = true;
                pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Visible = true;
                pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Visible = true;
        private void HandleCapsLock()
            if (capslockindicator)
                capslockindicator = false;
                pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Visible = false;
                if (pvtKeyboardType == BoW.Kids) pictureBoxKeyboard.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.keyboard_kids_lower;
                capslockindicator = true;
                if (pvtKeyboardType == BoW.Kids) pictureBoxKeyboard.Image = KeyboardClassLibrary.Properties.Resources.keyboard_kids_upper;
                else pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Visible = true;
        private void pictureBoxKeyboard_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // position the capslock and shift down overlays
            pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Left = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Width * 5 / 993);
            pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Top = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Height * 115 / 282);
            pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Left = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Width * 5 / 993);
            pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Top = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Height * 169 / 282);
            pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Left = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Width * 681 / 993);
            pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Top = pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Top;
            // size the capslock and shift down overlays
            pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Width = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Width * 110 / 993);
            pictureBoxCapsLockDown.Height = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Height * 55 / 282);
            pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Width = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Width * 136 / 993);
            pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Height = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Height * 55 / 282);
            pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Width = Convert.ToInt16(pictureBoxKeyboard.Width * 135 / 993);
            pictureBoxRightShiftDown.Height = pictureBoxLeftShiftDown.Height;
    public delegate void KeyboardDelegate(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e);
    public class KeyboardEventArgs : EventArgs
       private readonly string pvtKeyboardKeyPressed;

        public KeyboardEventArgs(string KeyboardKeyPressed)
            this.pvtKeyboardKeyPressed = KeyboardKeyPressed;
        public string KeyboardKeyPressed
                return pvtKeyboardKeyPressed;

    [Category("Keyboard Type"),Description("Type of keyboard to use")]
    public enum BoW { Standard, Alphabetical, Kids };

Read Text File

Get All Files from Directory

// Read the file as one string.
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\WriteText.txt");
// Display the file contents to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Contents of writeText.txt = {0}", text);

string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\WriteLines2.txt");            
Console.WriteLine("Contents of writeLines2.txt =:");
 foreach (string line in lines)
     Console.WriteLine("\t" + line);


Get System Drives

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;  
namespace DirList
   class Test
        public static void Main()
            DriveInfo[] allDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); 
            foreach (DriveInfo dirInfo in allDrives)
                Console.WriteLine("Drive {0}", dirInfo.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("File type: {0}", dirInfo.DriveType);
                if (dirInfo.IsReady == true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Volume label: {0}", dirInfo.VolumeLabel);
                    Console.WriteLine("File system: {0}", dirInfo.DriveFormat);
                    Console.WriteLine("Available space:{0, 15} bytes", dirInfo.AvailableFreeSpace); 
                    Console.WriteLine("Total available space: {0, 15} bytes", dirInfo.TotalFreeSpace); 
                    Console.WriteLine("Total size:{0, 15} bytes ",dirInfo.TotalSize);